Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Values And Ethics Of The Profession Social Work Essay Essays
The Values And Ethics Of The Profession Social Work Essay Essays The Values And Ethics Of The Profession Social Work Essay Essay The Values And Ethics Of The Profession Social Work Essay Essay the service users pick can non ever be guaranteed. Utilitarianism would propose that this is because if service users ever received the services they wanted, the societal worker would non be advancing the greatest good for the greatest figure, alternatively would be taking a more Kantian attack of advancing moral good. These two philosophical attacks cause struggle within themselves. The Mental Capacity Act ( 2005 ) says a individual lacks capacity in relation to a affair if at the stuff clip he is unable to do a determination for himself in relation to the affair because of an damage of, or a perturbation in the operation of, the head or encephalon . ( s2 ) . This leads to challenges and struggles for societal workers. If the service user had capacity, there could be conflict over the manner they spend their budget which could take to the societal worker handling that single without regard. Following the BASW codification of moralss ( 2012 ) , it states that societal workers should esteem the right to self-government. Kant would back up this position as, by the societal worker back uping the person to run into their ain self-defined demands, the societal worker is advancing good actions that will in bend produce good results for the person. The societal worker demands to recognize that the person has human rights and freedom to voice their positions. Burton ( 1996 ) showed that there was a failure to recognize the unequal power dealingss between the societal worker in control of proviso of services and the service user who relies on the services. This therefore would sabotage Beistek s rules of self-government as, although the service user is voicing their sentiment, the societal worker is non listening and this could be seen as endangering the rules of personalisation and the codification of moralss that are imperative. The execution of The Mental Capacity Act needs to be reviewed to guarantee workers are following statute law and moralss. It should non be assumed person lacks capacity because they have a disablement. On the other manus, if the service user did nt hold capacity, it could do struggle between the societal worker and the paid carer and/or unpaid carers. If the service user lacks capacity, how would the societal worker or the carers be able to measure what was best for the person? A societal worker would hold to uphold and promote human self-respect and wellbeing every bit good as authorising the person. ( BASW, 2012 ) . These moralss and values are supported by Beistek s theory. Workers need to handle the service user with regard, be non -judgemental and accept the state of affairs the service user may be in. The societal worker hence would merely be able to move upon their appraisal which should include the carer s positions on what is best for the service user. Utilitarianism, an alternate statement, would reason what s the greatest good for the greatest figure? What would profit the service user more? The societal workers positions or the carer s positions? The results need to gua rantee that the maximal people are happy. The societal worker could make the maximal felicity and cut down struggle by utilizing authorization. The societal worker would esteem the demands and penchants of the service user, via the carers and household members every bit good as recognizing their ain biass to guarantee the correct services are offered. The Community Care Act ( 1990 ) promotes attention in the community and people remaining within their ain place, leting the person to utilize their personal budget and have carers to advance independency. There is grounds to propose for illustration, persons who have fractured a limb, menu better when they recuperate in their ain places. ( Pignolo, Keenan and Hebela, 2011 ) . Adjustment is a major concern for many service users ( Davis and Wainwright, 1996 ) . One facet that could do struggle is the pattern of puting immature people in immature disablement units, belongingss that are specifically designed for people with learning disablements. Although this could be seen as a solution for people to interact and hold support, there is a possible struggle as the person can non take where they want to populate and may populate a distance from family/friends. If placed in a intent built constitution, the persons are classed as being housed by the local authorization and hence do non acquire to take alternate locations ( Oliver, 1996 ) . The quandary for the societal worker is the demand to take the persons positions into history whilst equilibrating their demands and wants, peculiarly if the service user lacks the capacity to do the determination. It is improper for anyone to subscribe a occupancy understanding on behalf of an person who lacks capacity. A capacity appraisal needs to be undertaken to guarantee the service user understands how to keep that occupancy. In order to continue, an application needs to be made to The Court of Protection. This could take to conflict as the societal worker and lodging section demand to continue the jurisprudence, nevertheless many households feel they have the right to subscribe a occupancy for their handicapped household member and happen it hard to accept that this is non the instance. Harmonizing to BASW ( 2012 ) , the societal worker demands to develop professional relationships with the service user and the household, uphold the repute and values of the profession every bit good as recognizing diverseness and handling the person as a whole. Utilitarianism would urge looking at what benefits the whole household, instead than merely the service user. Challenges arise when the service user lacks capacity. Using the useful attack, it could be said that the service user should nt be given a occupancy as it does nt advance the greatest good for the greatest figure. This position is in struggle with BASW codifications of moralss. It could be seen as unethical pattern and lead to farther struggle. Beistek would back up the position of BASW in utilizing the specific value base that service users should be allowed to freely show their feelings, both positive and negative, and the societal worker should listen and do a determination in an accepting and non-judgemental manner. However, Kant would state that although the effect of non acquiring a pick in where the service user lives is a negative result, the purpose of puting them in a place, with other people to socialize is a good moral opinion that is entirely profiting the person. Another possible struggle could be older handicapped persons being forced into attention. The Sutherland Report ( 1999 ) claimed that older handicapped people were being forced into institutional attention excessively early due to the deficiency of alternate attention at place. Sixsmith and Sixsmith ( 2008 ) provided grounds that by 2008 there had been a displacement in attention proviso and that the Personalisation Agenda meant that people were staying in their place for longer and having appropriate services. However there is a farther potency for struggle when suiting people, with disablements, to remain in their places. Persons may desire to turn old at place but is this possible for people with significantly reduced mobility? Many places are unaccessible to wheelchair users and those with important mobility damages ( Burns, 2004 ) . There is a Government strategy whereby handicapped people can use for a handicapped installation grant to hold their places adapted, and certain per sons have to re-pay the Government, therefore the Government is non financing expensive attention bundles. The function of the societal worker would be to negociate, support and authorise the service user to hold their demands met in the most appropriate, coveted manner. Harmonizing to Kant s theory, holding a loan is the moral good as people will be able to stay at place for longer, advancing felicity and community attention. This would be supported by the values of BASW which states societal workers need to handle the service user as a whole and respect their right to self-government. In contrast to Kant s theory, Utilitarianism would see weighing up the effects of taking the service user from their house and into an altered and safe environment. I.e. a attention place could be seen as an easier option for handicapped people to have attention. This position could do struggle because the societal worker is traveling against the wants and desires of the service user. Utilitarianism looks at the best result for society instead than on an single degree. Therefore, by traveling persons out of the house into the attention place may supply maximal felicity for society, although it disregards the person s positions and sentiments. This is a unfavorable judgment of the theoretical account as many service users could potentially non hold their demands met in a mode that is acceptable to them due to the focal point being on the benefit to society. This could be peculiarly true e.g. for people with English as a 2nd linguistic communication or who follow a spiritual religion. However, Beistek would hold with Kant in advancing self-government. A cardinal subject running throughout this essay is respect for the single individual as a ego finding being. Both Kant and Beistek promote this and hence look to be the societal philosophical theoretical accounts best tailored towards societal work values and moralss. There are clear struggles between traditional societal work and the personalisation docket for people with disablements. These struggles have been reduced with the debut of HCPC moralss. If the societal worker systematically uses these theories whilst working with struggle and disputing service users so the BASW moralss will be maintained and the service users will have the best appropriate service available within Fair entree to care standards.
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